Les discours encourageant la violence armée anti-démocratique se banalisent, y-compris dans les médias : après l'apologie des groupes armés par Vincent Duclert, qui soutenait que le FPR avait une "légitimité politique", Eugène Prigogine appelle maintenant ouvertement aux coups d'État1 en Afrique. Le message du "Cuisinier" de Vladimir Poutine est clairement assumé:  "c'est maintenant le temps de colonels".

La propagande de Prigogine reste simpliste, complotiste, et parie sur la crédulité ou l'inculture politique.

Complotisme, à propos des occidentaux:  "d'une main ils créent le terrorisme, et de l'autre ils le combattent." Ce discours s'appuie sur la crédulité : comment peut-on sérieusement croire que les occidentaux fabriquent le terrorisme? Ou que les convois militaires français transportent des armes qu'ils fournissent aux mouvements terroristes sahéliens?

Pari sur l'inculture politique, lorsque Prigogine dépeint le chef de la junte malienne comme un Che Guevara : "Another brightest phenomenon was Colonel Assimi Goita, in fact, he is an African Che Guevara". Quelle peut être la crédibilité de Prigogine lorsqu'il compare le Colonel Goïta à Che Guevara? Ce discours se drape de la splendeur révolutionaire passée de la Russie en essayant de récupérer l'image de Che Guevara, alors que Prigogine représente le pire de la Russie post-communiste : un capitalisme débridé et souvent mafieux. La nébuleuse Prigogine c'est le business de la guerre et du mercenariat, et de l'exploitation des ressource minières en Afrique, le tout en investissant dans le contrôle des médias locaux et la manipulation par des armées de trolls sur les réseaux sociaux.

La marchandisation de l'image du Che par un businessman russe contrôlant un groupe de mercenaires créé par un néo-nazi devrait normalement scandaliser ceux qui connaissent Che Guevara.

Ces méthodes de manipulation nécessitent de développer les résiliences des populations face aux opérations de manipulation online, en leur fournissant des outils d'émancipation: la manipulation de masse est aussi une forme d'esclavage.


Tatouages nazis de Dimitri Outkine, créateur de Wagner.
Crédit photo : respublica.lt



1 https://vk.com/wall-177427428_842


Traduction : 
" Concord press service
On 25 Jan. at 4:27 p.m.
#535 Request from the largest socio-political pan-Arab resource Soukukkaz Media and the answer:
Hello! On Monday, the Lefaso news portal reported that another coup had occurred in Burkina Faso. A military group announced on state television the transfer of power in the country to the "National Movement for Protection and Restoration" led by Lieutenant-Colonel Paul-Henri Sandaogo Damiba.
Yevgeny Viktorovich Prigozhin, you have repeatedly commented on the African agenda, so please give us an enlightenment on following questions : 1. What are your thoughts and ideas about the situation in this region? 2. Since this is not the first coup in Burkina Faso, do you think others will follow?
Hello! On Monday, the Lefaso news portal reported that another coup d'état had taken place in Burkina Faso. A military group on state television announced the transition of power in the country to the "Patriotic Movement for the Protection and Restoration", led by Lieutenant Colonel Paul-Henri Sandaogo Damiba. Yevgeny Viktorovich, you have repeatedly commented on the African agenda, so please answer the following questions: 1. How do you assess the situation in this region? 2. Since this is not the first coup in Burkina Faso, do you think others will follow?
We publish a comment by Evgeny Viktorovich:
“There is nothing surprising in the fact that many African states are striving to free themselves. This is because the West is trying to keep the population of these countries in a semi-animal state. All they do there is engage in intrigues: with one hand they create terrorist groups, and with the other they fight them and, unfortunately, they do it very badly.
All these so-called upheavals are due to the fact that the West is trying to manage states and suppress their national priorities, to impose values ​​that are alien to Africans, sometimes clearly mocking them. At the same time, he is engaged in the plundering of most African states. By the way, unlike Western pseudo-democracy, Russia respects and supports national priorities and values.
Today in Africa we are witnessing the birth of a new liberation movement. And the brightest names have already appeared in it. One of them, Faustin Archange Touadéra, who was not afraid and opposed himself to international banditry in the Central African Republic, did not allow extremist organizations to seize his country. Another brightest phenomenon was Colonel Assimi Goita, in fact, he is an African Che Guevara. In addition, I cannot fail to mention the leader of Guinea Mamady Dumbua. Now another new name has risen in the African firmament - Lieutenant Colonel Paul-Henri Sandaogo Damiba. Thus, renewal processes are underway on the continent and I am sure that in the near future the liberation movements will cover most of Africa. A new era of its decolonization has begun.
It's time for the colonels. And, as State Duma deputy Milonov has already said, we Russians feel this thesis especially well, since the national leader of Russia, Vladimir Putin, was also a colonel when he began the process of rebuilding the Great Power from Russia destroyed in the 90s.
I wish these brave people good luck and prosperity!”